Sunday, February 23, 2020

Naturalism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Naturalism - Research Paper Example In trying to understand nature and seek explanations of natural processes, naturalists use science as their main resource. Some people believe that science and religion are very different and irreconcilable as science is based on rationality as opposed to faith which is irrationality. Other people believe that naturalism is the home of reconciliation between science and religion with yet some irreconcilable discrepancies showing conflict between naturalism and science. Evolution is the scientific explanation of the origin of life in nature that was proposed by Charles Darwin and it remains one of the most contentious and hotly debated issues in religious naturalism. This paper will explore naturalism in religion with a bias in evolution as put across by science and scientific theory of evolution and natural selection. First, the paper will have a brief description of naturalism and then have a look at evolution and the controversies surrounding the evolutionary theory. Naturalists ca n be described as pragmats who have their basis of reality in empirical logic and do not consider testimony as a source of truth of reality (Anderson 111). All the conscious differentiations of reality are based on the way that human beings identify the various qualities of world experience and how they think and reason about them. The natural world is the centre of the most significant experience and understanding of nature and thus it is the most valuable thing in the assessment of an individual’s well being. The idea of a supreme being is considered to have no grounds and everything is approached from a rational point of view and the harmony of reason and our understanding of the universe as informed by science (Griffin 56). Naturalism is presumably not a religion as such as it stands but it plays a vital role just like a religion does which is that of giving adherent to a world view. It provides explanations of why thing happen the way they happen, it tells us what fundam entally the world is and what is important in the world and the essence of human life and general life in the world. This is to a great extent what other religions do except for a few differences which might arise from worship and rituals which are not necessarily part of naturalism. There have been concerns whether theology is compatible with naturalism which has often elicited different responses and controversies. Theology and naturalism are compatible but not all forms of naturalism are compatible with theology as it is both the science about God and also the science about the human experience of God’s manifestation in individual life, the society or nature (Francis, Robbins & Astley 95). With science being the underpinnings of naturalism as it provides the explanations for the fundamental structure of the universe, one may think that the theory of evolution is one of the major pillars in naturalism. The theory of evolution which was put forward by Charles Darwin stipulat es that all life in the universe is related and share a common ancestry. It further says that life originated from non life with more complex organisms forming out of more simple organisms and that human beings have an animal descent (Smith 3). The theory puts it that more complex organism evolve from simple organisms over a long period of time and that there are mutations that occur on the genetic makeup of organisms that may favour their survival in a process called natural selection (Smith 4). This

Friday, February 7, 2020

PERFORMANCE BUDGETING Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PERFORMANCE BUDGETING - Coursework Example This makes it easy and efficient to evaluate the performance of the concerned managers at job delivery. Performance budgeting focuses on the changes in the funding of the budget rather than the approximation fronted by the previous budget cycles. This makes it more flexible and appropriate for public budgeting whose demands are dynamic. It offers flexibility for the relocation of budgets when needs arises. In addition to these, it identifies agencies and programs that seek similar goals hence drawing inter-relationships to the legislature attentions and enabling a possibility of increased awareness and budgets to the local governments. Finally, performance budgeting provides a platform for rewarding achievement and imposing of sanctions in the case of poor performance. This attributes makes it suitable for public sector budgeting at large including the federal government. However, it will present major challenges to the federal government. The efficiency ratings used in this model are rudimentary because they measure bureaucratic activity quantitatively rather than qualitatively. This shortcoming means the federal government could by focusing on the quantity of the services rather than its quality. Moreover not all bureaucratic activities are easily quantifiable. Performance budgeting system is very handy when evaluating the output of the managers after budget allocations. It provides an insight on how the allocated budget was spent, its impact and effects. This model of accounting is hence suitable for public budgeting where integrity and service delivery is