Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Educational System in the United States Research Paper

The educational System in the United States - Research Paper ExampleFrom this discussion it is clear thate trulyday conversational skills such as writing, reading and collaboration can truly solidify the foundation of the students cognitive and linguistic skills. In the process of culture an additional language, ESL students must keep up with the free-and-easy strains that are placed in their program of studies.ESL students must learn to excel in time forethought skills. Indisputably, each student has a unique set of literacy development needs. Most ESL students have a morose schedule and must be accommodated with personalized program of activities that is managed by the staff itself. One can unaccompanied imagine the surreal experience of international students, who at times felt hopeless as a foreign student in a North American School. The point is to acknowledge that internationals students are face up with academic, social, and emotional challenges in every aspect of life, which makes learning face much more difficult.This study highlights that learning and applying that knowledge is a fairly non-trivial challenge for the average American. But what of non-natives who are required to learn and reduce one of the most grammatically complex languages? This is a struggle which is unquantifiable and difficult to overcome.Many non-native English speakers who lots feel confused, frustrated, and squeezed to achieve in an environment of native English speakers are in continuous pressure to excel in academics.... Clearly, it is vital that students should ask for help and set goals on how to overcome each issue. Therefore, outgrowth becomes a necessary element to facilitate student growth as the tutor advises them to set goals and helps them accomplish these goals. In addition, it affords students the opportunity to discuss with the tutor any concerns they have. For majority of the ELL students, grammar is the biggest focal point. ESL students are often ve ry knowledgeable in grammar yet fall into the trap of superfluity. ESL students are constantly struggling to write comparable their counterparts, yet they traditionally fall short because they approach the problem with a skewed mentality. ESL students aim for a high status instead of learning from experience. The challenge of writing like a native English student extends beyond writing the right word as the language itself contains multiple-word meanings. In addition, the American touchstone demands effective argumentation and synthesis at higher levels. This standard challenges students not only adapt to antithetical writing styles, but to acknowledge other writing method - a seemingly painless confinement which is continuously compounded by a lack of familiarity with the language and its intricacies. As a tutor, it is important to beak for the differences in writing style prevalent between ESL and native English speakers. The lack of context and makeup present in ESL studen ts writing stems from an overemphasis on grammar. Nevertheless, these differences do not correspond to a deficiency. Most ESL students pull so caught up by wanting to get their papers fixed that they fail to understand the objective lens of the tutoring session, which

Monday, April 29, 2019

Does social media promote freedom Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Does social media promote freedom - Assignment ExampleOn YouTube, he watches videos with content unsuitable for young people. On all his accounts, he posts comments, shares and likes on photos, videos, music, etc. he finds worth his attention.Lucy is 10 years old. She can only use her mothers iPad after she is through with her homework. Using her information, Lucys mother created a Facebook account for her daughter. On Facebook, Lucy plays with free applications such as Farmville, Chefville and positron emission tomography Society. Some things she wants to get for her pet in Pet Society need to be bought with gold. Lucys mummy doesnt want to buy gold so Lucy is starting to be bored with this app. One time, Lucy stick on a bear witness on Facebook. The picture did not appear on her Facebook page. Also, she got a message that the picture was offensive. Her mother had to help her reply to the message and adjust the settings of her profile.Vien is 18 years old and a savant majoring in withdraw-making. She has a YouTube account and primarily uses it to upload her home videos and do research for her distance education classes. Since opening an account on YouTube was free, Vien didnt need to figure it into her tight budget. Right now, she is very upset. The film her teacher assigned for a research paper was indeed available on YouTube. However, only a few minutes of it was uploaded by the user. There was a link to the full video but, when Vien went on the site, it asked her to open $10 to access the full video.a. 21-year old Mark works as a freelance consultant. When contact clients, Mark is available any time of the day. He lives alone in his comfortable & spacious flatbed and pays all the bills from money he has earned. His consultancy fees vary, depending on the case. There is no curfew in this building so he can come and go as he pleases. This is perfect for his job which is the reason he inflexible to stay here. When he does not feel like meeting a cli ent, he calls and tells them he is grim or has a sudden

Sunday, April 28, 2019

WTO - Trade Dispute Case Studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WTO - trading Dispute Studies - Case Study Exampleyear 2010, Japan filed a complaint to World distribute Organization (WTO) regarding Canadas tight measures concerning domestic content requirement in the feed in obligation program. Japan claimed that this tariff seemed to be laws and regulation that were affecting internal sales. They also claimed that the tariff was inconsistent with hold III 4 and III 5 of the GATT 1994. It claimed that this measures were meant for internal qualitative assessments. Japan finally alleged that this measures were standardized subsidy and that it could lead to price support or financial contribution or a work on of income (WTO, 2014).During the resolution by WTO, USA and European Union requested to be enjoined in the case and on 1 June, 2011 Japan requested establishment of a panel. The panel after various meetings upheld Japans complaint under article 2.1 of WTO. Then later they found out that Canada had not implemented 1 of the international t rade agreement (WTO,

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Strategy as practice and leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategy as practice and leadership - Essay Exampleance, the total productiveness and profitability of the organization major power get enhanced to a significant extent as compared to galore(postnominal) other rival players.Other than this, schooling or educational training programs acts as the raw materials that skill be used to enhance the inner knowledge and skills of the employees that whitethorn prove effective in meliorate the intangible assets of the organization much(prenominal) as customer loyalty, brand image, character and reliability etc. However, such type of intangible assets might amplify the prosperity and distinctiveness of the organization in the market among many another(prenominal) other rival players. Hence, it might be clearly depicted that in order to enhance the reputation and popularity of the organization in future era, the entrepreneur might try to offer high concentration oer training programs or learning processes of the employees. So, most of the organization in this age, try to implement numerous work-shops or training programs to enhance the inner talents and capabilities of the employees. As employees are considered as the most important assets of an organization without which it may not prosper in the market among others existing players of the market.The objective of this essay is to analyze the effectiveness and immensity of learning in future development of the organization so as to amplify its prosperity in the market. Along with this, the importance of soft systems thinking (SST) in developing the organizational intellectual capital.As per Beardwell & Claydon (2010), learning is the weapon that might be used to improve the innovation of today into practice of the future era. However, it might be possible only by offering high concentration and value to the procedure of learning. This is because its the process that may be used to amplify the inner knowledge and skill of the employees so as to increase the future p rospects of the individual. Moreover, the process of learning is extremely essential to improve the human capital

Friday, April 26, 2019

Sonnys Blues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

cubs Blues - Essay ExampleThis same characteristic is demonstrated in his unwillingness to flip over the words of Sonnys old friend outside the school. However, the seeds of change are already implanted and hope for a different future is suggested in the fibbers willingness to listen to Sonny in the end. Because of his previous inability to listen to others, the narrator created division between himself and his comrade that prevented him from deducting the drug difficulties his brother was experiencing, yet his newfound willingness to try listening suggests hope for both brothers futures. Music emerges as a painful symbol of the narrators increasing ability to listen to what others are saying. This begins when he listens to a male child whistling as an escape from the angry laughter of the others. As the narrator listens more carefully to Sonnys old friend, he begins to understand those around him at a greater depth and he begins to find the music inside the bar. Just before Sonny finally risks telling his brother more or less his music gig at a bar that evening, Baldwin describes a touching scene in which the narrator observes a musical group on the sidewalk. He seems to be starting to understand the messages the music is conveying. Finally, although hes never understood Sonnys music before, the narrator agrees to try and does finally understand what is being said through Sonnys music. Throughout the story, the narrator shows increasing growth in his ability to listen to others, symbolized through the music of the streets in which he and his brother exist. As the narrator begins to hear the underlying messages of the music around him, he can be seen to understand more of what his brother and others occupy been trying to tell him. Finally, his willingness to try to listen to Sonny reveals an ability to understand his brothers music.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Ford and G.M. Lose Grounds to Imports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ford and G.M. endure Grounds to Imports - Essay Examplecompanies, which has resulted in dwindling of the market sh ar of the Big Three, with concomitant emphasis on the car segment of the elevator car industry, and forcing the Big Three to respond in an movement to hold on to the large market share. In spite of such efforts the Nipponese auto manufacturing business Toyota in October 2004 forged its way into the top three largest auto sellers in the United States of America, displacing Chrysler from this prestigious position. This showcase has led to the speculation that the structure of the U.S. auto industry is likely to see a change, wherein Japanese auto manufacturers are likely to rub shoulders with the traditional Big Three manufacturers of General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. (1).The Japanese auto manufacturers fox started edging towards and past the three big American auto manufacturers in terms of market share. in that respect are two possible key factors involved in the pull of the American customer towards Japanese auto products. The first is the Japanese auto products are more economicalal than the American products, which is related to the strategies utilise by the Japanese in boosting the productivity of their employees and cutting manufacturing costs. In the current scenario of job insecurity, investment in the purchase of a new vehicle is bound to be conditioned by the worsening economic scenario. The second possible factor is related to the rising costs of petroleum products. Japanese cars are little of gasoline guzzlers in comparison to the American cars, and with rising fuel prices and unstable incomes the Japanese auto products are more attractive to the American customers. This is reflected in the continuing rise in the sales of Japanese auto products in spite of the response of incentives by the American auto manufacturers. (1).Put in a nutshell, we may take the game theory as an attempt to explain the strategic actions in a pr ivate-enterprise(a) environment and the gains and losses that could emanate from these actions

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Erick Erickson on Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Erick Erickson on rearing - Research Paper ExampleThe formation of first tikehood education was in the mid 1800s when on that point was the ontogeny of the private kindergarten in homes. A comprehensive study into the cognitive development of the child started in the early 1900s when various scholars such as Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget defined the heads of development (Coles, 2000). This research paper examines the contributions of Erick Erickson towards the development of early childhood education.Ericksons contributions are in the three first stages in psychosocial development. The philosophy of Erickson to early childhood development is that the world seems to grow larger as the children grow and that the failure has affected their lives greatly (Roazen, 1993). According to Erickson, development is because of their biological self-combined with their self-psychology as fountainhead as the influence of culture (Friedman, 1998).The first stage focuses on trust and mistrust o f the child. The child establishes this character between the times of birth to one category of age. At this time, the infant struggles to develop trust in the world. The children learn how to trust when parents and teachers nurture and make them suit reliable and responsible (Friedman, 1998).The second stage is between 18 months to three years. The children learn how to master skills for themselves. They do not only learn how to talk, feed and, walk but they also undergo toilet training. The confide of the child to discover new things in life increases (Schickendanz, 2001). The children build self-esteem and autonomy as well as gaining more control over their bodies and acquire new skills and they are able to differentiate reproach from right. However, this is a very vulnerable stage. For example, if the child fails to understand the independent and dependent needs then the child will experience feelings of doubt and shame (Coles, 2000).At stage three, that is between three to six years old,

A Training Program for Persons with Mental Retardation Program Assignment

A Training Program for Persons with Mental Retardation Program - Assignment specimenThe test development can be traced back to the 1980s. In 1986, there was a trial interpretation of it created by a student pursuing Masters Degree under one of the authors. The test operates on samples of the elderly population. In its first test, normative data was provided differently in groups of respondent ages, (50-69 and 70+ years) and the internal Adult Reading Test Estimated IQ (NART-IQ) group (85-89,100-114,115 and above). This test was conducted on 186 men and women (50 to 96) inhabiting England, and the majority of those tested came from Bristol Area. Unfortunately, there is little validity evidence to underscore conclusions made from the LLT experimentation on the elderly people. As said before, the exam is purely conducted on the elderly people though not in groups exclusively as solo individuals. The exam, however, faces criticism due to its minimal levels of validity in evidence pur ported to have been gathered and therefore not appropriate for clinical applications. (Coughlan. A Hollows, S.p.22) 2 The Substance Abuse Subtle exhibit Inventory (SASSI) is developed with the aim to pick out people who be most probable to have stub dependence malady (is). The test can be of use in a forensic prospect if one wants to know whether an individuals behavior is dependent on substance dependence. It has been noted that behavioral traits of people dependent on substances vary a lot. The test was authored by Miller, Glenn. A and published by The SASSI Institute. It has been reviewed in the book the fifteenth mental measurements yearbook by Plake, Impara, and Spies (2003). The test includes face valid and items that are considered subtle that have no relationship with substance abuse. Materials used for the test includes guides that have instructions for administering, alter in the scores, interpreting and manuals providing information on validity, reliability and deve lopment. Examples of professionals inferences that may be extracted on the premise of eggshell scores include awareness of the negative effects of substance abuse, evidence of emotional pain, and risk of creation in touch with the legal or judicial institutions and people. The test is applicable to adults and girlishs between 12 and 18years.The SASSIs room for easy administration, scoring and compend and the availability of computer styles for reliable storage of data and analysis makes the test instrument highly useful in producing valid results in research ventures. For example, the Adult SASSI-3 has helped identify persons who have high chances of substance dependence problem with a total objectively-tested accuracy of 93%.The Adolescent SASSI-A2 has a 94% overall tested accuracy. 3 The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 4th ed. (WAIS-IV) is used to shew IQ or Cognitive functioning and is designed to target adults who fall in the 16 to 90 years age bracket. The exam looks in to cognitive ability using a basic group of 10 subtests that aim at four specific areas of intelligence perceptual reasoning, verbal comprehension, working memory and hurrying of processing.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A Life in Japan - Documentary (English, no subtitles) Essay

A manners in lacquer - Documentary (English, no subtitles) - Essay ExampleThe motion-picture show is very informative active Japanese culture because it goes much deeper than sights and customs. It shows Japanese daily life with its positive and negative sides. I do not like the fact that some Western men defined their main purpose in Japan to have some relationships with Japanese women. On the other hand, it is pleasant to see that battalion aline to local customs and contribute to community order and safety. One of the respondents found $3000, camera and passport and gave them tail to the person who had lost all those things. It shows that Japanese culture changes people in some way make them more responsible and carrying.Overall, Japan has a very unique culture and people need to key at least something about it before coming to Japan. There are not many people who speak English, so they need to take care about communication issue. At the same time, the movie shows that be ing a relatively isolated community, Japan is also influenced by world globalization. It becomes more genial to foreigners. This documentary significantly expands knowledge about Japanese culture and people it contributes to my cultural knowledge and represents Japan in a totally different

Monday, April 22, 2019

Three Branches Of Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Three Branches Of Government - Essay mannikinThe leaders are elected by the parties in both the Senate and the house of the representatives. The leader of the party imperious the house is called a majority leader while minority leader is the leader of the minority group. The executive branch makes official laws and is luffed by the president who is elected for a term of four years by the entire nation. The laws passed by the legislative branch have to be approved and carried out by the president. The vice-president and separate locker members are also a part of this branch. Other duties of the president include appointing or removing cabinet members, negotiating treaties as well as acting as the commander-in-chief and the head of deposit. The cabinet also gives advice to the president on important issues and is do up of heads of 15 major departments of the government such as the secretary of labor, education, defense, state etc. (Three branches of government, Web). The third b ranch of the government is the judicial branch which is responsible for administrating the court system of the country. The head of the judicial branch is the Supreme beg which is responsible for explaining the constitution and the laws passed by the Congress. The Supreme Court is made of one chief justice, eight associate judges and nine justices. The nominations of the judges are made by the president but have to be approved by the Senate. Decisions made by the Supreme Court are final and no one can deny these decisions. (Three branches of government, Web).

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Journal - Assignment ExampleIn the same article, the Los Angeles Times describes the action as seemingly a part of a series of pitiful behavior from the soldiers stationed at Afghanistan, continuing to enumerate alarming acts of violence committed by military personnel against community in the middle-eastern country.Before he became US president in 2009, one of the promises Obama make was to pull out the troops in Afghanistan. I strongly believe this promise was one of the reasons the Statesns voted for him. America had already lost so many men and women to the fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq before Obama entered the presidential race. The people trusted their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, sons and daughters safe back home. It was therefore disappointing that after 3 years, that particular promise has even so to be fulfilled.There is no excuse for the misbehavior American troops are showing in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, for someone who is in a situation where getting to wake up each day is a gift, it is only a matter of time before the stress gets the best of an individual. If President Obama does not want a repeat or similar incidents like these to happen, he should start making good on his promise to bring the troops in Afghanistan back

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Subway is a Renowned Franchising Company Research Paper

Subway is a Renowned Franchising Company - Research composing ExampleThe company has aggressive marketing strategies that have make it penetrate different markets temporary hookup similarly diversifying its products. According to the Subway Franchise offer, qualified franchisees are offered rights to establish and on a lower floortake their business operations from a single location. This retail establishment is given an opportunity to prepare and sell foot-long, specialty sandwiches, salads in crew with other foodstuffs. Accordingly, other Subway franchise operations comprise of satellite locations, community development course of study locations, non-traditional locations, school lunch program locations, national park locations, airport terminal locations, and theme park locations. When find the best franchise opportunities for any franchise, it is essential that the franchisors trademarks, patents and other proprietary techniques and trade secrets are made available (Caffey , 2012). In the same line of argument, in order for Subway franchisees to operate fully and productively the following legal rights must be granted by the franchisor Trademarks A trademark is a phrase, word, symbol, travel or color that uniquely identifies goods or services from those sold or manufactured by others while also indicating the source of the goods (Caffey, 2012). Franchisees have the right to own and use the trademark of the franchisor it is the initial grant under the franchise agreement (Caffey, 2012). The franchise outlets use the trademark either painted over the business premise, knowing on uniforms and/or on product packaging. It should be noted that whenever the trademark symbol is seen, it gives notice that the owner claims rights in it. Across the US trademarks are regulated by and registered under federal and state laws the Lanham stage of 1946 regulates how trademarks are created, owned and utilized (Caffey, 2012). Subway Franchisor is in this regard the owner of the licensed trademark and has an agreement under the law to ensure that the mark is well designed and displayed by all its franchisees. Consequently, no variations in design, color, size or products/services set with the mark are tolerated and franchise outlets who operate contrary to this restrictions take chances losing their operating license (Caffey, 2012). The valuable asset of the franchisor is its trademark hence using it properly is undoubtedly the more or less legally protected right among all the rights granted to franchisees. Subway franchisees will benefit from the trademark as it gives the consumers an assurance of consistent quality of goods and services. Nevertheless, the mark will make the franchise be uniquely identified thus attracting more customers (Caffey, 2012).

Friday, April 19, 2019

Compare, analyse and review excerpts from Mao tse-tung and Lin Piao Literature

Compare, analyse and excerpts from monoamine oxidase tse-tung and Lin Piao - Literature retrospect ExampleIn his excerpt in the Voices of Terror, Piao supports the three strategies used by Mao to start a revolution in China. The two leaders were phenomenon in bringing a extremist leadership and semi policy-making environment in China (Bennett, 2003). They led their population in great revolutionary wars against burdensomeness by nations such as Japan. They used the plurality especially peasants to play off great battles using simple strategies that were tumesce thought and planned.The two excerpts are similar in that they talk about fighting a peoples war to bring revolution in China. The two leaders wanted to address the injustices and oppression that the Chinese faced in the hands of the Japanese. Led by Mao, the Chinese people experienced victory in the national democratic revolution. Their greatest victory was in the socialist revolution. Maos target area was to start a revolution that would seize and consolidate political power for the Chinese people. Maos success lied in the fact that he integrated the truth of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of the revolution. He enriched the truth in Marxism-Leninism by using his masterly in generalization, summation and experience gained during the protracted revolutionary struggle (Kau, 2005). His leadership background and religious principles contributed to his success in leading a group of peasants to fight a great battle and obtain great success.Both Lin Piao and Mao Tse-tung used the theory of the peoples war to fight for their people and obtain great success in battle and political influence. This theory, roved by the long practice of the Chinese revolution was in accordance with the law objectives of such wars. The war was valid for China and revolutionary struggle in other countries throughout the world. For example, Lin Piao in his excerpt argues that Maos strategies should be used in di fferent cities to assert the war and amass vast political influence and power for the oppressed people (Laqueur, 2004). Both

Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Current State of Economy in The Division of Labor Essay

The Current State of Economy in The Division of Labor - Essay ExampleThere are three circumstances involved in this belief increase the dexterity of every worker, time-saving mechanism, and utilization of machines that increase efficiency. Hence, a worker must take for enough skill to perform his job and familiarize himself in operating a machine to clear maximum output. smith cited the case of a pin maker who would likely produce only wiz pin a day without the two factors menti mavend. However, if the concept of division of labor is applied, laborers could specialize in one task alone, which can result in greater productivity. Smith himself has witnessed workers who were inadequately skilled at qualification pins yet because of the specialized tasks assigned to them, ten workers can produce 48,000 pins in a day. In the end, Smith popularized this principle, which shows that lack of skill nor machines is not really obstacles to productivity. Ever since this has changed the lands cape of manufacturing industries as early as the industrial Revolution. This work by Adam Smith did have a lot of practical value because capitalists make a profit by applying the principle in their businesses.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Enrichment Units Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enrichment Units - Assignment causestudent benefit from all the unit of measurements, it is fundamental to begin by teaching CCSS MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.B.4, CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.C.5, CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.EE.A.1, and CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.EE.A.2 in that order.CCSS MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.B.4 is an important enrichment unit to every student. It mainly deals with operations and algebraic thinking and focuses on gain familiarity and multiples. I chose this because it deepens my rendering of factors and multiples of whole numbers. For instance in solving mathematical puzzles. The combination of math learning with movement gives me multiple ship canal to engage my brain for instance Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligences and to cement the learning. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.OA.C.5 5 enables me to generate and analyze patterns. This involves generating a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. For instance it dished me solve number duration and series mathematical problems.I also chose CCSS. MATH.CONTENT.8.EE.A.1 because it helped me to learn how to apply the concepts of integer exponents to give equivalent quantitative expressions. This will simplify my work when working out complicated mathematical problems. This rules will also help me get along how to handle exponents for instance when multiplying variables with same base, the two exponents are added. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.EE.A.2 is appropriate when it comes to learning root and pulley-block roots. It also shows students that perfect squares and perfect cubes are integers that result from the squaring or cubing of another integer. It is important for students also to understand that they can find the square root of any positive number and zero. Its also crucial that students know the variation between rational and irrational numbersIn conclusion, all the Common Core Standards are important in enrichment units. As seen above, students are advised to learn these units to enable them have a fall in understanding of the other units ahead. However, this website